Thursday, 24 November 2011

different fronts-metalera!

Metalera! = Accord Heavy SF
Metalera! = Algerian
Metalera! = Balloonist SF
Metalera! = Blackoak Std
Metalera! = Crazy Loot BTN Inline
Metalera! = Dark Half BTN
METALERA! = Engravers MT
METALERA! = Kozuka Mincho Pr6N H
METALERA! = Lapidary333 Blk BT
METALERA! = Maximus BT
METALERA! = Napa Heavy SF
METALERA! = Plakette 4 SF
METALERA! = Rockwell Extra Bold
METALERA! = Showcard Gothic
METALERA! = Staccato555 BT
METALERA! = Super Black SF
METALERA! = Woodchuck SF
METALERA! = Youngsook BTN

Monday, 7 November 2011

music magazines- annotations

The front cover has maintained a recognisable colour scheme. By using bold colours such red, white, yellow and black. This allows the audience to remember this music magazine. By using bold colours such as these works together, allowing them to stand out attracting the audience. The cover is successful due to the limited colours that it uses. The yellow is used on the text on the sell lines is to show what the article is about. Also under the yellow text ‘kerrang!’ uses white text to add a little more information to attract the audience into read the magazine, but on the main cover feature the colours are the other way around this shows that is feature in important to the magazine. The use of white text on ‘Black veil brides’ show that this is the main article but also by the positioning of the text, being put in the middle, shows how important it is. Also ‘Kerrang!’ uses added information and uses a question ‘Is Andy Sixx the new god of rock?’ this draws the audience in and this pushes them to read the magazine.
The image in large and covers most of the page. This stresses the importance to the magazine and shows the audience what images maybe on the contents page. The icon is emphasised by the positioning of the people/person in the image, standing with the left side closer then the right, this can show the audience that these image maybe important now and in the future. The positioning of the image and the title are both elements of the front cover. Including a barcode at the right bottom corner allows the reader to see the price and release date of the magazine. On the left hand side of the page there’s five small images. This shows the audience that they are important, also that they are poster; this is by the text above the images ‘5 awesome posters’.

The title is in front of the image, this show to the audience that the title can go in front or be covered up by the main cover feature image. By doing these, it makes the cover flow better and allows both the title and the image to stand out . Also this suggests that the title doesn’t have to be completely clear in order for the audience to familiarise themselves to it, in doing this, the title makes itself one of the main features to any 'Kerrang!' magazine. The colours which may be used throughout the magazine shows itself to the audience as being appearing and attractive to read.

Just like the ‘kerrang!’ this music magazine front cover shows similar colour scheme in using red, white and black. By using bold colours such as these allows the magazine to become more recognisable to the audience. Also by the using of red black allows each of them to stand out on their own. The main part of the title ‘Hammer’ is in red and the ‘Metal’ is smaller and vertical on the ‘H’. the text, 'Metal' is in black just like the background and it is shown to the audience as like it has been hole punched out, by these it is used as a very effect to the magazine and  it allows not only the front cover to flow well and be successful, but also hte title. The use of red text allows the audience to know what the main article is about ‘Avenged sevenfold’. Also on the front cover there is use of white text above and below ‘Avenged sevenfold’ revels a small amount of information about the article. ‘Live from the city of evil.’ This is a play on words, being’ City of Evil’ is one of their album titles. This makes the audience question these and pushes them to read this article to find out more infromation about the band and what they are doing or going to do in the up coming months.
The image is large which covers the full page. The way the members of the band are positioned, the front man in the middle then the others after, these shows the audience who is more important and show the ranking in the band. The image is a low- long shot. By the use of these types of shot, show the audience that this band is successful and may like to stand out from others. The image and the title work very well together and become an icon to this type of music magazine and to any of its front cover. The barcode is in the right bottom corner. This allows the audience to know the price, release date and issue number of the magazine.
There are some faults with this music magazine, such as there is no sell lines to catch the audience eye or making them pick the magazine up, this type of music magazine pins it sales on only showing the cover feature. By there not being any sell lines could foreshadow that the content page will be busy. Also there is no skyline and slogan to catch the audience eye; this is different to ‘Kerrang!’.
The colours on this music magazine are very different to ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘Metal hammer’, being red, blue, white and yellow. This shows the audience that the is magazine is different to other and also that the articles will have different genres of music to other music magazines. The use of these colours allows the cover to flow well and also that the audience to recognise the magazine. The use of the white and yellow text on the sell lines, in front of a red background, makes the text standing out, as the  bold colours catch the audience eyes. The title is in red and is covered up a bit by the image. The background of the front cover is in blue which allow the cover to work well because it allows the sell lines to stand out.
The image is long shot, which covers the front cover from the middle out to the sides. This stresses the importance to the magazine and shows the audience what images maybe on the contents page. Including a barcode at the right bottom corner allows the reader to see the price and release date of the magazine. There are three small images on the left hand side. This shows the audience that they are important, also that they are poster.
The title is behind the image, this show the audience that the title can go in front or be covered up by the image,'Rock sound' found that these effect worked well just like 'Kerrang!' did. By doing these, it makes the cover flow better and allows both the title and the image to stand out. Also this suggests that the title doesn’t have to be completely clear in order for the audience to familiarise themselves to it. The colours used on the front cover can suggest that they maybe used throughout the magazine and allow itself to be shown to the audience as being appearing and attractive to read/buy.

The colours scheme is limited to three different colour, being red, white and black. This shows the audience what genres of music are in the magazine. This show the different types of colours are linked to different genre of music. The use of limited colours allows the content page to be appealing to the type of audience, who may read the magazine.
Most of the text is on the left hand side. The text is well thought out, by being spite up into different areas. Each area stands out by the text be in white on a red background, and then the articles in that area are in black text below it. This show the audience that not only that the front cover, the content page is also well planned.
The images are on the right hand side of the page. The images are layered over the top of each other. This allows the magazine to flow better and for it to be more attractive to the audience. Also the magazine appears to be more attractive by the white boarder around all of the Images. The images are linked to the article on the right by have the page number on the bottom left corner and also there is added information below each image, these allows the audience to know more information before read the article. 
The colour scheme is mainly made up of three different colours, these being black, white and yellow. By the use of these colours, it allows the audience to be able to read the magazine well, but also the flow of the contents is better than ‘rock sound’ because the range of colours work better and are more clear. Just like in ‘Rock sound’ the use of different colours shows the audience what genre of music this magazine revels. For example, what new band/sounds are out there in the world?
The main part of the text is on the far right hand side of the page. This allows the rest of the page to be used up for other things, such as images. The way the text is thought out, is well. By this is on the images they use different page numbers than on the text on the right. This allows the audience to see more articles in the magazine but also in how the article may be set out.
The way the image are set out , with one main image then five smaller image around it, acting like a boarder., but also round each image there's a thin black borader. under each image ther's  the page number it will be found on, but if you look the page number can't be found on the right hand side with the rest of the text, these allows the page to flow well and show that 'Kerrang!' have thought through these page. also next to each page number 'Kerrang!' have shown who is in the image and added some information about the article below it.
The colour scheme is black, red and white; this is very fitting to the type of rock genre at ‘Kerrang!’ shows. The black background allows the white text to stand out and so to tell the audience able to read.
‘Kerrang’s’ double page spread is mainly made up of images, which is very different to other music magazines. There’s a large image coving fully across the first page. This presents the icon, being Gerard Way from ‘My chemical romance’ to the audience and allows them to have some understanding of what the article is about. the images are in black and white, this allows them to stand out,but also beings the page together and flow into one
The heading of the article is in red and white. By the use of these colours allows the page to flow well and allow the double page to be more attractive to the audience. The text, ‘WE’RE BEING THE BEST MCR WE CAN BE!’ is used to suggest what the article is about, but also to draw the audience to the article.
The page finds fluency and symmetry, by using black and white in its image as well as on the text and background. This makes the page neat and attractive to the audience. Also the text allows the page to be neat and clear by being set out in columns. The positioning of the text is within the page, bring more symmetry to the page

The colour scheme is mainly black and white. By using these colours work well by tell what type of rock genre the band ‘Lostprophets’ is.  The black is mainly used as the background; this allows the text in white to stand out more and allowing the text to be read by the audience.
Just like ‘Kerrang!’, ‘Rock sound’ use a large image, but on the opposite page.the differnces between the two is, ‘Rock sound’ only uses one main image. The image presenting an icon, Ian Watkins, ‘Lostprophets’ to the audience and allows them to have some understanding of what the article is about. the icon in the image is shown in their element, be in a studio making new music.
The heading of the article is in white. By the use of this colour allows the page to flow well against the black background and allow the double page to be more attractive to the audience. The text, ‘LOSTPROPHETS’ is used to tell the audience what the article is about, but also to draw the audience to the article.
The page finds fluency and symmetry, by using black and white in its image as well as on the text and background. This makes the page neat and attractive to the audience. Also the text allows the page to be neat and clear by being set out in columns. The positioning of the text is within the page, bring more symmetry to the page.