Thursday, 4 October 2012

First draft of cover

I like the way the cover looks, especially the main image, although the models could have been airbrushed to make them look flawless. The words never fall in wein are not as visible as I  would have like and so when creating this again I would change this. The bar code is too big and so I would also make this smaller but I think that most of the magazine is good.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

planning for music magazine

Main feature: Interview style.

Never Fall in Vein .This year’s most high flying metal band, get ready to start their ‘Dooms Day’ UK Tour. Outside the venue a small queue of fan fighting the biting wind blowing their way, waiting for the show to begin. But inside, waiting to sound check while slumped in chairs. Sit the four young talented musicians that make up Never Fall In Vein.
So, you have just finished your latest album, what is it like?
Abi: It’s great. There’s some epic riffs and drumming and we have added some new twists on songs. This album is for the fans coz without them we can’t do this.
Do you think this album will be success?
Kara: Of course, why wouldn’t it be? I’ve been listening to it every day and now I can’t wait for the fans to hear it,
Cassey:It’s going to blow people’s minds. We started making this album when we were on tour.
What’s next for you guys?
Abi: There’s a lot of touring, maybe about a year to a year and a half. We start off in the UK, then hitting Europe and then back home to America.
What are our views on the bands you are touring with?
Cassey: Black Veil Brides has been around for some years like us and they are very different in their music, also in the way they dress. They are like the modern day kiss. For Lost impact, we meet them at many different festivals last year, they are a great band and they’re ones to look out for in the future.
Finally, You guys are about being different, how are you different?
Kara: That’s a good question. I think firstly that we girls and you don’t really see many girl metal bands. Also in the way we play a show, we want to break this boarder of fans and band down more.
Abi: I think, for me would be that we don’t get the feeling that we will fail, we will go out there and do our thing and it works.

Never Fall In Vein’s new album: ‘Dooms Day’ will be released at the end of November.
To see their tour dates go to the gig guide
Name: ‘Metalera’ or ‘Metal up’ or ‘metal age’

Price: £2.20
Release date:
Issue number:

(Front cover)Colour schemes:
1.       Black, red and white.
Title: in black
Background: in white and red
Sell lines: text in white on black background

2.       Black, blue, red and white
Title: in black
Background: in blue
Sell lines: some in red or black on one of the other colours for the background (or other way around)
3.       Red, black, blue and white.
Title: in white
Background: in red
Sell lines: main part of text in red, added information in black on white background
4.       White, pink, yellow and blue.
Title: in white
Background: in black (different shades)
Sell lines: text in yellow or white on pink background
5.       Dark blue, red, yellow and white
Title: in white
Background: dark blue
Sell lines: text in white or red on a yellow background (or other way around)
6.       Black, purple and green.
Title: in black
Background: in purple
Sell lines: text in green or purple on a black background (or the other way around)
Also on the cover the sky line at the top will have:
·         5 small images saying five top posters
At the bottom minis sell line, saying ‘plus + (than what is also in the magazine)
Content page:
To be in different sections:
·         Feed back (pg 4)
·         News ( pg6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
·         Live reviews ( pg 16, 18, 19, 20)
·         Posters (pg 30)
·         Features (22, 37,42, 44, 46)
·         Reviews ( pg 50, 51, 52)
·         Gig guide (pg 55, 56, 58)
·         Quiz the musician (pg63)
Also on the content page, add one main image with four smaller images below it. At the bottom write a little intro from (editor)
Band names for main feature:
·         Never fall in vein
·         City of sin
·         Dead and gone
·         Lost impact
·         Guide the soul until death
·         Three out casted
Captions for photos.
·         ‘wearing a hat’
·         ‘mosh is her middle name’
·         ‘rising star of metal’
·         Dead or live’
·         ‘it’s all doom and gloom’
·         ‘To or not to play, that is the question’
·         ‘back in, um, black’
·         ‘ one mission world domination’
·         Here come the sinners’
·         ‘a tight unit’
·         Not of piece of hair out of place’
·         ‘ one word: Grrrr’
·          ‘ look ma, no cavities’
·         ‘ the newest member of guitar hero’
·         ‘(name) rules that pre-gig Vind a loo’
Different sell lines which can be used:
Different main article sell lines:
·         EXCESS ALL AREAS! IN THE UK WITH... NEVER FALL IN VEIN. (interview style 2)
·         THE RETURN OF NEVER FALL IN VEIN TO THE UK! (interview style 2)
·         NEVER FALL IN VEIN: ON THE ACOUSTIC SIDE (interview style 1)

Monday, 17 September 2012

results of questions


This feedback helps me understand the ratio between males and female who filled out the questionnaire and lets me know which gender were more interested in music magazines.There were more female respondent than male, more willing to answer the questionnaire. This means that I should focus more on the female point of view and maybe have  the magazine featuring a female band.

This feedback helps me understand what type of music magazines respondents buy the most and lets me know what magazine to base mine off of. From this feedback, show me that there's an equal amount of respondents who buy 'Metal hammer' and 'NME'. Therefore instead of base the magazine off of one, to take part I like from each one.

This feedback helps me understand how long each respondent has been buy music magazines for. From the feedback, it shows that respondents have been buying music magazines for a long period of time.

This feedback helps me understand why respondents choose to buy music magazines. This shows me that more respondents buy the magazine for the cover star and in turn for the main article, compared to other feature in the magazine and show me that this is the main point to focus on.

Friday, 14 September 2012

questionnaire for music magazines

Q1. How long have you been buying music magazines?

Less than 6 months

6-12 months

1-5 years

6-10 years

+10 years

Q2. How did you first hear about the music magazine that you buy?

Saw it in a newsagents/shop

Saw advert in another magazine/newspaper

Heard an ad about it on the radio

Saw a link on twitter/face book

A friend told you about it


Q3. What is your main reason for buying any music magazine issue?

I always buy it

Band/artist on the cover/cover story

A feature mentioned on the cover

Parents/someone else brought it for you


Q4.Which of the following best describes why you first started to buy music magazines?

I really wanted a music magazine which had my favourite band in

I started buying after a friend showed me how good it was

I wanted to learn about new bands

It’s really funny, like talking to a friend

I love the type of music it has, talked about.

I want to keep up with the gig/tour dates

Another reasons:

Q5. Below is a list of the main sections found in music magazines. Can you tell us for each section: did you read it?

Read it
Really liked it
It’s ok
Didn’t read it



Live reviews

Cover feature


The gig guide

Quiz musicians

Q6. When thinking about buying any music magazine, which of the following things influences you decision to buy?

Cover star


A feature on the cover

Free gifts

Competitions e.g. win gig tickets

Have read it before and enjoyed it

Recommended by a friend.

Q7. Which of the following music magazines do you buy?

Art rocker

Classic rock

Metal hammer




Rock sound



