The image in large and covering most of the page. This stresses the importance to the magazine and shows the audience what images maybe on the contents page. The icon is emphasied by the positioning, half covering the title. This show the audience what maybe on the contents page. The image has been edited so it is allowed to fit in the background which the image doesn't have much difference to the colours used allowing to conect to the stlye which is being used.
The additional information, sell lines are on the left and right hand side of the cover. The use of this sell lines is used to show what is in the contents ,but no revealing to much, allowing the readers to be aware of what the magazine in about, also drawing them in to read on.
The positioning of the image and the title are both elements of the front cover. Including a barcode at the right bottom corner allows the reader to see the price and release date of the magazine.
The title of the magazine is in white allowing it to stand out more against the yellow background, though it’s partially coved by the image, you can still see the title. This suggests that the title doesn’t have to be completely clear for the reader to see it through the rest of the magazines.
The image is a middle shot and the positioning would suggest the importance of the magazine. Allowing the cover to flow well and giving the audience information of the contents. One thing that is recognisable to the magazine would be how the image is edited to fit in the front cover. The image is linked to the colour scheme.
The image is between a median to long shot, allowing the audience to what type of college magazine it is. The image itself in clear, where as the background is more fuzzy. The position of the image will make the cover flow well.
The sell lines are mainly down the sides, allowing the image to stay clear appearing more attracted towards the audience/reader to pick it up. The bar code is in the bottom right corner. This allows the audience/ readers to see the price, date of release and the number of the issue.
There are three main images, which takes up a large amount of space on the contents page.This is to attract the audience and will catch their attention. The images which are used, have the number of the page in the corner. This gives the audience some images that may be on the page, also makes the audience think what the article maybe about.
The conents page includes information on each article. Each article breifly describes what it is about. This gives the audience some information which makes them want to read the article. The information includes the page number which to find the article at.
The backgrgound of the content page is white which allow the text and images to standout. This will been more attractive to the audience. The white background allow the page to be fresh.therefore the use of a bold background wouldn’t attract the audience to the magazine.
On the content page there’s one main image, which is larger then the rest of the seven small images. This allows the page to be effective and the positioning of the images allows the page to feel welcoming to the audience. This gives the audience some images that may be on the page, also makes the audience think what the article maybe about.
The text on the content page is spread out onto two pages. The tile ‘contet’ is in white with a black background,. This makes the audience wanting to read and look at the content page.
The backgrgound of the content page is white which allow the text and images to standout. This will been more attractive to the audience. The white background allow the page to be fresh.therefore the use of a bold background wouldn’t attract the audience to the magazine. Also the colourful borders down each side, draws the audience into read the content page and find out what articles the magazine contains.
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