The image at I have used, is mid shot of a student in college. This would suggest the target audience would be around the age of people starting college or in.
The image is of a smart dressed student, which targets the audience by the style, positioning and colours used.
By using a darker image against a clear coloured background, allow it to fit the target audience. By this , it shows that the target audience is young, with the use of the clear colours turns the magazine to be more attractive to the this type of audience.
The sell lines shows who the target audience is by the use of language. There is a type of language for each different social group.
The way the sell lines are down both side of the magazine, could show that this layout is targeted for a type of audience, such as students being to start or in the next year of.
Also by the type of font used on the magazine can show the target audience. If it’s ‘times new Roman’ the audience would be older.
College magazine: contents pageBy the use of images would show what the target audience, by using students in the images, shows this college magazine is for students starting college or in college.
By the use of colours would show who the target audience, by the background being white allows the text to stand out, is attractive to the audience and allow the text to be more able to read.
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